Industry Links
Strong and trusted bonds with Australian employers and industry bodies over many decades
Real Work Experience
Most TasTAFE courses contain a comprehensive real-world industry work placement
Pathways to University
Partners with the University of Tasmania (UTAS) to deliver Diploma + Bachelor Degree pathways

TasTAFE is a stable, state-owned asset that operates under its own legislative functions and powers under the Training and Workforce Development Act 2013.
It is the largest public provider of vocational education and training in Tasmania, and is governed by an independent Statutory Board consisting of up to seven members appointed by the Minister for Education and Training.
Being Government owned brings many benefits such as a modern network of 16 campuses and contemporary training facilities, and experienced teachers who have industry currency and competency. Our non-teaching managers and support staff also have the highest expectations placed upon their work.
TasTAFE has an ongoing commitment to meeting Tasmanian community expectations and the needs of all of our students, and offers a range of flexible study options and support services.
Given that our focus is upon education and training for job-readiness and employment outcomes, we stay connected with business and industry in Tasmania, and work hard to ensure the vocational education and training students receive is industry-relevant and provides real industry skills that are highly valued by employers.
We believe very strongly in our values and strive to deliver training that prepares our students to take up employment for the first time, gain a promotion or change careers, as well as meet industry demand and enable Tasmanians to gain the skills and qualifications they need for the state’s workforce and the community to succeed and prosper.
CRICOS Provider Code: 03041M