The BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) from 2001
As an economic immigration Program for people who want to permanently settle in BC
Providing a path for experienced foreign workers and entrepreneurs to move
After being nominated by the BC province and passing the health and safety check of the federal government immigration office
The applicant and the children of his/her spouse can obtain the Canadian permanent residence visa and get the PR card.
Skilled Worker program and Unskilled Worker program.
Skilled Worker
Language ability: CLB4 (English test that is similar IELTS) or above
Work experience: minimum two years of directly related full-time (or full-time equivalent) work experience in the skilled occupation that has been offered to you-Have indeterminate, full-time job offer from an eligible. B.C. employer at a wage that meets industry standards
Meet minimum income requirements
Entry and Semi-Skilled Worker
Language ability: CLB4 or above
Education: completion of secondary education and any licensing or certification required for your job
Work experience: working full-time (at least an average of 30 hours a week, year round) with the B.C. employer supporting your BC PNP application in any ELSS-eligible occupation for at least nine consecutive months immediately prior to registering to the BC PNP.
Have indeterminate, full-time employment from an eligible B.C. employer, in an eligible NOC C or D occupation, at a wage that meets industry standards
Meet minimum income requirements
Requirements of Employers
Be established as an employer in good standing in B.C. And must have one of the following business structures:
incorporated or extra-provincially registered
registered as a limited liability partnership in B.C.
an eligible public sector or non-profit employer
Have indeterminate, full-time employees
If your employer is located within the Greater Vancouver Regional District, your employer must have at least five indeterminate, full-time employees (or full-time equivalents) in B.C.
If your employer is located outside of the Greater Vancouver Regional District, your employer must have at least three indeterminate, full-time employees (or full-time equivalents) in B.C.
Have a history of good workplace and business practices
Sign an employer declaration
Meet domestic labour market recruitment requirements
A job offer for a full-time, indeterminate* position
Offer a market wage rate that meets industry standards