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Created Date:

27 Apr 2021

[UTS] Active response to COVID-19 at UTS

Following the NSW and Commonwealth Government advice, UTS is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic actively to keep our community safe.

We're continuing to reactivate our campus, in line with updated government health advice. In Autumn session 2021, we have more classes, extracurricular activities, and student support services returning in face-to-face mode. Lectures and some very large classes remain online.

Remote learning options and online support continue to be available for students who need them.

As we return to campus, the health and safety of our students, staff, and wider community remain our number one priority.

Our main campus buildings are all open to the public Monday to Friday.

Students, staff, or visitors who feel unwell shouldn't come to campus. If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, follow NSW Health advice about testing and self-isolation.

UTS is a registered COVID Safe workplace, which means we've lodged a COVID-19 Safety Plan with NSW Health and we're taking appropriate steps to keep our community safe. This plan is regularly reviewed and updated.

To find up-to-date information about studying at UTS, click on COVID-19 impacts and response.

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