Created Date:
11 June 2021
[La Trobe] Info Session in Africa – 18/Jun/21
Join us for a Virtual Information Session with La Trobe University.
Date: 18th June 2021
Time: 11:30 AM (Kenya & Uganda)
09:30 AM (Nigeria)
Link to join:
Are you looking into studying in a world class university and enjoy the benefits of a well-made decision in the near future?
Choose La Trobe University today.
In addition to their expertise in providing quality education, La Trobe University have gone an extra mile and partnered with distinguished employers to co-develop a Career Ready Advantage program to support you to get a job.
Their Career Ready team will provide you with expert advice so you can map your career path and develop the skills, experience, and connections you need to achieve your goals.
What are the other students’ experiences while studying in La Trobe University?
'I learn a lot from the interactive discussions the tutors facilitate.
They help me to stay really engaged through my course.
I've seen how international and interconnected my career could be.
I've been to Nepal on a study tour, seen politicians work in Canberra and attended many conferences that have bettered my network.
I wanted a university that could embrace my personal hope and cater to my needs to help me be a global citizen.
I feel like I'm already on my way.' kevin Kapeke, Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics student
For more information,
contact us at(+254)700 523332(Kenya),
(+256)776 279472 (Uganda)
(+234)809 806 8580(Nigeria) or send email to
Do not miss out!!! Hope to see you there.