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Created Date:

12 Feb 2021

[GMC] $750 per term Promotion Extended

Greenwich Management College $750 per term promotion will now be extended and be available until December 2021. This promotion is now available on all courses, all timetables and across both campuses!!

  • All courses & all timetables

  • Across both campuses

$750 per term for the Full Enrolment

  • Available for packaged GMC enrolment (CERT 2 | CERT 3 | CERT 4 | DIPLOMA | ADV. DIPLOMA)

  • All courses | All intakes | All timetables | All campuses

  • $3,750 CERT 4 (full enrolment)

  • $4500 Diploma OR ADV. Diploma (full enrolment)

Special Conditions:

  • $0 Enrolment fee

  • $0 COE Deposit

  • All available courses will be charged at $750 per term for the full enrolment ($4500 per diploma)

  • All enrolments and timetables are subject to availability

  • Current students cannot transfer from existing classes to this promotional offer

  • The promotion is valid for new enrolments only commencing before 31/12/2021

  • Additional instalment flexibility available on request

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