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Created Date:

14 July 2021

[CDU] SSAF waived for online/offshore students

Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)

All Higher Education students need to pay a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) each semester during their studies at CDU. This is standard practice for Australian universities. The SSAF helps fund non-academic services and deliver projects and activities to improve your experience as a student.

However, from Semester 2 2021 onwards, we are pleased to announce that we will waive the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) for all online offshore students while they remain online and offshore. 

Here is some important information about this change:

  • We will waive  the student's SSAF while they are unable to travel to Australia to study on-campus.

  • This change is effective from Semester 2 2021 onwards.

  • If the student has already paid SSAF for Semester 2 2021, we will credit this fee to their account.

  • Once the student is able to arrive on-campus and enjoy all of our services in person, they will be asked to pay SSAF.

Most importantly, the students will continue to have access to all of the CDU support services currently available to them.

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