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Created Date:

10 Mar 2021

[UC] UPDATE: Nursing Programs - S2, 2021

Bachelor of Nursing (BN)

Demand for the BN has continued at unprecedented levels.  With only a limited number of places available, our Faculty of Health has carefully been reviewing options to determine the number of offers that can be made for Semester 2, 2021. Unfortunately, we have now reached the point where our offer quota has been exhausted and we will no longer be in a position to make any further offers for Semester 2.

From a practical perspective, this means that applications for the BN are now closed for Semester 2. This means that a student who has not yet received an offer will not be considered further for Semester 2.  We are currently in the process of writing directly to all affected students to advise them of this development and to provide then with the options available to them.

Master of Nursing Practise (Graduate Entry)

Our Master of Nursing Practise (Graduate Entry) was intended to be delivered for the first time in Semester 2, 2021.  As advised on our website and communicated to students, the course was awaiting professional accreditation from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) with delivery being contingent upon this.  Unfortunately, this accreditation is unlikely to be received in time, and the University has made an early decision not to run the Master of Nursing Practice (Graduate Entry) in Semester 2.

This means that any student who has applied for the Master of Nursing Practice (Graduate Entry) will not receive an offer for Semester 2.  We are currently in the process of communicating this information to all the Master of Nursing Practice (Graduate Entry) applicants and advising them of the options available to them.

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